Lead the way to grain bin safety in your community February 14, 2023 One life lost is too many. That idea is the driving force behind Nationwide’s Grain Bin Safety Week program and Think Grain Bin Safety campaign, and that’s why CHS is proud to partner with Nationwide in raising grain bin safety awareness. But for Nationwide, it’s way more than just a campaign. In partnership with the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) we are raising the bar for safety action this year with our Think Grain Bin Safety campaign and Grain Bin Safety Week program (Feb. 19-25). Building awareness is just the beginning, and cooperative members and leaders can support the effort through financial contributions and community involvement. “Grain bin safety is something we’re passionate about year-round, and part of our commitment to the health, safety and success of our farm customers,” said Nationwide Agribusiness President Brad Liggett. “Bin Safety Week is part of our commitment to the health, safety and success of our farm customers every day of the year.” Why grain bin safety action is so important There have been more than 500 grain entrapments in the last 15 years in the U.S.1 That number demonstrates the importance of our collective Grain Bin Safety Week efforts since 2014 that include: Donating 272 grain rescue tubes in 31 states Proclamations in more than 15 states recognizing Grain Bin Safety Week in February Five lives saved by donated grain rescue tubes More than 9,000 fire department nominations. This year marks the 10th annual Grain Bin Safety Week program that runs from January 1 through the end of April. That’s when rural fire departments are chosen in the annual contest to receive grain rescue tubes and training. It’s just one part of Nationwide’s efforts to end grain bin entrapments, injuries and deaths. While the distribution of rescue tubes is a key part of the program, Nationwide leads the effort to promote awareness and action to prevent grain bin entry and entrapments altogether. Lead grain bin safety efforts in your community Grain Bin Safety Week and the Think Grain Bin Safety campaign depend on local community involvement. You can take a leadership role, create awareness and inspire action by avoiding grain bin entry and advocating for safe work among others in your community. Finally, you can nominate your local fire department to receive a grain rescue tube and necessary training as part of the Grain Bin Safety Week contest. In addition to the contest, you may use your sponsorship funds to specifically designate a local department to receive a grain tube and safety training, or a re-training session. “Grain Bin Safety Week is about more than just talking about this huge issue,” Liggett said. “We want to prepare everyone in our communities to prevent grain bin accidents and respond quickly to save lives. It’s all about being ready to take action.” Visit Thinkgrainbinsafety.com to start raising grain bin safety awareness in your community today. You will also find dozens of articles and videos on the hugely important topic, as well as tools you can use to start the conversation with customers, other farmers and members of your community. If you’re ready to nominate your fire department to receive a grain rescue tube and training, start the process here. To join our mission and become a grain bin safety sponsor, start the process here. 1 2021 Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities (April 2022)
3 reasons to make grain bin safety the talk of your town Zero lives lost: That’s the goal of Nationwide’s Grain Bin Safety Week program (Feb. 20-26) and Think Grain Bin Safety campaign. They reflect Nationwide’s passion for agriculture and leadership position… Read More
Making an impact: Safety program provides crucial grain rescue tools Grain Bin Safety Week is Feb. 16-22, 2025. Nominate your local fire department through April 30. Read More
Safety contest helps defend against grain bin deaths in rural America Grain Bin Safety Week is Feb. 20 – 26, 2022; Since 2014, Nationwide has supplied 207 grain rescue tubes and training to fire departments across 31 states. For rural Americans,… Read More